Thursday, July 3, 2008

Faithful to the Faithful

Sorry its been awhile!

I am jumping for joy to share with you God's faithfulness to His promises! I received a "comment" from my previous post. Notice it never hit the webwaves. That delete button rocks! It was a "rebuke" for taking the scripture "calling things that are not as though they were" (Romans 4:17) out of context. I somewhat got what the person was trying to say, however when GOD gives you that scripture a week after the post to pray over sick babies you do it because HE said too.

I want you to be blessed through the story of The Joye Family.
Read their blogs (start from the beginning) about the journey they are on with God and their precious twin daughters,Adleigh and Liana. Read how standing on His promises and speaking life over the girls and praising God regardless of the "reports" has proved God's power! One of many scriptures given to my friends was Romans 4. That includes Romans 4:17!

So readers, check out this testimony and watch it unfold to the Glory of God and may you be inspired to stand on God's Word no matter what! Praise you Lord for showing yourself faithful to the faithful. (Psalm 18:25)!

Check out the story here:

wade joye

Ferris Joye

Praise you Jesus! You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!!

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