My husband is a HUGE College Basketball fan! I knew that when I met him. I even was "coached" by male co workers on how to talk "basketballese". I played the pools in the office. I started to like March Madness.....but now its different.
This year has been a "MAD" March. "Mad" in a crazy "God is awesome" and "this is either God or insanity" sort of way. Let me recap it for you.
1) My husband chose to attend a leadership conference over an NCAA game...Completely mad....(don't you DARE dog him out about it was AWESOME...just shows he is a man who honors God. Plus I fight like a girl so watch out :))
2) I was at a leadership conference WITH my husband when 3 years ago we were in a counselor's office and I was told to "throw him out" to get his attention. I did not listen to that advise but listened to this instead.
3) My friend's husband accepted Christ...we prayed for about 2 years. He was baptized w/ her and their son and his dad...3 generations together....we knew God could do it but when He DID....more jump up and down,scream, cry and laugh "madness".
4) God has led me to a church that fires my spirit and makes me want to pursue God for all He has planned for me....a church can do that?? No GOD does that but its important to find the right church. Pray about it . When you are connected with the right pastor and the vision for that church...not the programs you are used to or the traditions but when there is a spiritual connection, something happens. Your life changes ...Positive Madness.
I remember telling a dear mentor friend (I have several, they are great...go get some if you don't) how I did not want to keep "bragging" on all God was doing. She said something that stuck with me. "Every week people stand up and cheer their favorite sports teams, they go crazy, the jump up and down. It is a shame that more Christians don't give God that kind of enthusiasm & praise." I am going to keep cheering for the ONE who wins every time!
So Lord THANK YOU for my March's "Madness". You orchestarted every detail to show me who YOU ARE and I give YOU all the honor and credit. Thank You that I can be a raving lunatic watching "The Big Dance" that you call your Kingdom on earth. In case you are wondering I am the one cheering "GO GOD".
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