Sunday, April 29, 2007

WHAT IF.......

Did you ever wonder about what it is that you were created to do? Do you ever think, I was put on this earth to ______. Are you stumbling and fumbling through life in survival mode? Maybe you are skating through life and you are successful by the world's standards, yet something is missing or just not quite right.

I am leading a bible study with the book "CHAZOWN" by Craig Groeshel. I belong to an awesome church where we are greatly inspired to be who God created us to be. My pastor challenges us to step out of our comfort zone and dig out that ridiculous God given dream we have buried deep down for so long. God uses him to wake us up to GOD's reality!

So here is my question for you. Are you intentional about your purpose or intentional about mere survival? Unsure what your God given calling and destiny is? Well, start in prayer and ask HIM. Write down your dreams even if they sound silly and unobtainable. Read Chazown. Jot down your talents and gifts. Open your mind up to the fact you also have talents you haven't tapped into yet. Then consider your past experiences good and bad......battle scars make a great springboard for who you will identify with and who you can reach for God.

Then consider your biggest fears. I will share mine. I struggle with what people think. I never liked being vunerable especially in a group of women. I went to an all girl high school, need I say more? I always hated public speaking. Oral book reports in the 6th grade made me ill. Then God got a hold of me and when you put together my experiences and the gifts HE has given me....I know that I know I am called to speak to & encourage women who are struggling w/ marriage and relationships. To do that I have to be open and honest about who I am and how I feel....yes I have to be transparent and vulnerable.

Guess what? I LOVE IT, God shows up, it blesses me, I am energized my it, I was created to do it! So what the enemy wants to intimidate you with, GOD has already perpared you to do it! All you need is FAITH. When HE calls HE always equips!

So what is it in your life that keeps you from stepping out into your destiny? Fear of failure? Lack of finances? What others will think? I think you should ask yourself a better question. "What if......?"

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