Friday, April 25, 2008

A Question......

I have been pondering this thought for quite awhile now. Is knowing the vision God's given you for your life good or bad? Now I know some of you may could you say knowing your call is a bad thing?? How many people wish they knew what God wanted them to do? Do you wonder if some people stumble into their destiny? Or, did God tell them up front and then cheer them along the way?

Here is the dilemma. Knowing what it is is amazing when it inspires you to press into God, desire to become more like Christ, not make decisions that are based in the flesh for momentary gratification etc etc. But there is also the flip side of that. Knowing that you know that you know that you know where God wants to take you if you let Him....but not having a clue as to how to get there.

I KNOW HE directs your steps. But what if those steps appear to be heading backwards, or at least a strange detour. What about the looming thoughts of "maybe I would arrive quicker if so and so would have done this or that". What if you lose faith that God even spoke something to you in the first place. Maybe when HE said your destiny is to______________ it wasn't really HIM it was the refried beans at Qdoba.

How do you handle the confusion? Well that is not from God to begin with so start with that. I would chose to believe the confirmations HE HAS given you since he first spoke to you. I would read the story of Joseph being sent to the prison and then I'd read about David who was told he'd be king and then had to run for his life.

God is faithful and will finish what HE started. Surround yourself with encouragers
and look at everything that seems like a detour as a lesson you need to learn before you advance any further. Humble yourself and have a teachable spirit and see where HE leads! I think it is better to know because it keeps you focused...even if it drives you bonkers sometimes. Psalm 138:8.

1 comment:

Ponder thoughts for change said...

You rock! Hopefully that's not the beans! Thanks for your insight another great post.