Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Knee Jerk Reactions

My husband was offered a very cool opportunity to do something fun. Something that I would consider a rare chance happening. Something that we could do together and learn from. He instantly said "no".

When he told me his response, (I wondered WHY he would tell me at all), he said he was "caught off guard, was overwhelmed with what was going on in his job, did not think our weekend schedule would permit it....and on and on.

Taking all of my emotion out of it, he was right to a degree. I on the other hand would have said "let me check and I will get back to you ASAP." Then I would have moved heaven and earth to do what I thought was a very cool opportunity.

So who is right? Both of us I guess. We just have 2 different personalities. We do things differently. Neither are wrong just different. The enemy on the other hand had a field day with me. Mike's knee jerk reaction of "no" because at an instance he couldn't see how his schedule could be juggled sent my mind into "what is he craaaazzzyyy" over drive.

So after reminding myself(out loud several times) that I teach and mentor women on how to behave respectful as God commands and that I have to practice what I preach...I asked could he do that God...?? How could he say no so quickly & pass up something because of what things look like on his schedule??

God stopped me right there. HIS response was "the same way you had a knee jerk reaction to his decision. You did not stop and look at the fruits of my Spirit or what I could do with his looked at you circumstances just like he did"

ouch. Lesson learned.

Thank GOD his mercies are new every day!

1 comment:

Jody said...

I'm thinking all of heaven got a kick out of this episode of the Mike & Lisa show. :-)