Monday, February 15, 2010

Choose Wisely

For some reason it seems that people are under attack at a tougher level. I am not sure if its because of the "new level new devil" theory or that people are just being shaken more easily by the same old stuff. This past weekend...yes Valentines Weekend was pretty rough for a few friends of mine. Strong God loving people. The arrows that were shot were unfortunately not from chubby adorable cupid...but from the one who shoots firey darts.

The main battle field where we fight the enemy is in our own minds. We need to take every thought captive and hold it obedient to Christ( 2Cor 10:5). I have discovered that the easiest way to do that is to make a decision before you are under siege. Set your mind and be determined to honor God and His word. By making a choice you will be prepared, even if you are caught off guard.

The enemy doesn't fight fare. He is out to steal, kill and destroy. An army wouldn't go into battle without weapons. You also don't see them huddled in a corner wringing their hands in worry and fear. They are out there fighting. Should we be any different?

Whether you are in a battle right now or not, make the choice to honor God's Word and God's ability. Trust that what He asks you to do in your circumstances, you can do in His strength. It all begins with a decision, so choose wisely.

A note to married Christians: If your spouse isn't strong enough to fight whatever the enemy is throwing at them, then you be strong enough to honor God with your actions. Your obedience and your prayers will have an impact. If you decide to let the enemy get to you too, then the battle just got bigger. This is the time to fall back on the Word that you have been listening to in church your entire life and put it into practice!

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