Thursday, December 6, 2007

Rocks and Duct Tape

I am sure my small group thought I was nuts last night when I asked them to duct tape a rock to the bottom of their shoe. I love visual exercises, you tend to remember them more than words sometimes.

SO our topic for the evening was Focus on God for Truth. God "downloaded" this idea into my head as I prayed for my Pastor on Sunday. Now 143 people were saved this Sunday so GOD WAS IN THE HOUSE! I took that the idea was from HIM and went with it. After all if it was my idea I would have dismissed it as "too weird". (Side note: I did mention to God that I was praying for Pastor and I felt guilty getting info for my group during that time. He rebuked me and reminded me that He is quite capable of hearing prayers and speaking to His children at the same time. Oh right, point noted).

12 women sat for over 1 1/2 hours with a rock taped to the bottom of their shoe. WHY? To illustrate what it means to stand firm on the rock of Jesus Christ. No matter what we go through in our lives..NO MATTER WHAT...Christians should stand firm on Jesus. Why the tape? So you stick. Don't you see when times get tough in marriage, in jobs, in relationships, people begin to doubt God? They doubt who HE is and WHAT HE can do. Why is it that Christians divorce at the same rate as non Christians...That is just one example. God was VERY helpful when He spoke to me about the TAPE. T- is for TRUTH stick to what the bible says in your matter what. A- Accountability partners are needed when it gets rough. They will hold you to those promises and remind you of who GOD is and what HE wants you to do. P- Prayer and Passion. Prayer is powerful and as you commune with Your Father your passion for Him will sore, making you more determined to listen to Him. E- Eager expectation for what God WILL do in your situation. When all of these things are present then when the storm comes your house will not fall as if built on sand, but it will stand because it is built on the ROCK of Jesus.

My friend Amy K. mentioned today how she loved the exercise(phew I confess I did have some doubts how this would go over). She said after awhile it was really uncomfortable and she thought it weighed her down. She had the revelation that she was actually grounded and that standing firm on the rock of Christ is not always a comfortable thing to do. How awesome that God speaks to us in so many ways!

Oh one more thing. Monday when I asked God if He REALLY wanted me to tape rocks to the women's shoes...He responded with this.

If you are having any doubts on what to do, go tape a rock to the bottom of your shoe and sit for awhile with HIS Word. Call your accountability partner, pray and wait in eager expectation. I know for a fact HE will speak to you!

Thanks God, YOU ROCK and I'm definitely stuck on that!

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